Al's Racquet Stringing


Al’s Racquet Stringing provides you with professional racquet stringing and quality products for all racquet sports and more.

Al has been providing professional racquet stringing for over 40 years. He restrings racquets for squash, tennis, badminton, and racquetball. Our service is based in Northwestern Ontario, but we have been servicing well outside the area for years. Racquets can be shipped to us, we restring and return them via mail, courrier, or however you request.


Get to Know Us

We also sell quality products from many of the top names in all racquet sports. On this site, you will find pictures and information on the different lines we carry. Due to the vast quantity of available products, we only show a few available items from each line. For better pictures, or to see more merchandise, you can visit the manufacturers’ website. This link can be found at the bottom of each page. If you are interested in something on that site, you can order it through us. Al’s Racquet Stringing also provides institutional, and quantity rates. If you want to send in an inquiry or place an order, visit our “Contact Us” page, and we will reply with the price or other information.

Please note that all prices shown are in Canadian funds.